Friday, January 30, 2009


please tell me this is fake...

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

(no idea where i found this, but i like it. it has pretty much no relevance to this post but whatever)

"Sorry about the bony elbows, sorry we lived here, sorry about the scene at the bottom of the stairwell and how I ruined everything by saying it out loud. Especially that, but I should have known. You see, I take the parts that I remember and stitch them back together to make a creature that will do what I say or love me back.
Here is the repeated image of the lover destroyed. Crossed out. Clumsy hands in a dark room. Crossed out. There is something underneath the floorboards. Crossed out. And here is the tabernacle reconstructed. Here is the part where everyone was happy all the time and we were all forgiven, even though we didn't deserve it.
..." -Richard Siken

i think i want another tattoo soon. and by soon i mean within the next few years. i think i want another bird. this time on my other side, maybe, lower side back, pretty much on a love handle. but i'd want it pretty small. that or i should just buy a real bird, i think that could make me happy too.

i also want to bake cinnamon buns. i think i;ll do that tomorrow. if you know me well, you know that they are my weakness. actually i find i'm drawn to any food that you can eat in a circle.

i think i'm going to start a list of things i want to do before i die.

i know what i like, but i'm not sure what i want.

hey blog, it's lauren

this made me smile. very creative.

i've been lacking posts lately besides videos, but i really don't have too much worth saying right now. i'll keep you posted when i do.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

take me away. v2.0

(image via upon the mountian top)

air canada!! why do you do this to me?!

i just got a email about a sale they have going on. and it's so tempting! under $150 to go to new york, about the same for toronto, and under $200 each way to go to london. why weren't there deals like this when i actually went this summer?

i'm ridiculously tempted to book myself a solo trip for spring break...
the only thing holding me back right now is the funds...

oh life. why wont you just let me win the lottery already.

Monday, January 19, 2009

things i've learned.. canadian film class.

1) rambo is essentially a canadian film. it was filmed in canada, based off of a canadian novel, had mostly a canadian crew, and a canadian director.

2) hitler was nominated for a nobel peace prize.

i thought i'd hate this class (but i took it caz i needed another course and if i want to work in the canadian film industry it would only make sense to learn its history.) i think this class is actually one of my favorites. wicked.

p.s: i almost got in an accident today that would have turned out pretty bad. as in i think the car would have been written off. plus i was in my folks car that we just got back from the shop a few days ago...yikes, my folks would have not been very happy! me + driving (apparently) = BAD NEWS.

Friday, January 16, 2009

jimi (it takes so much time)

i've been listening to this song so much lately. saw her live when i was in england, she has a great voice. not a huge fan of her music, but i like this song a lot. this is the best quality on youtube i could find

o hai ^-^

at my work, when goods are damaged and taking up too much room in the back of the store, we get dibs. today i got a skirt by eve gravel. someone had brought it in caz it was stained...this is true, but A) its hardly noticeable, and B) the skirts reversible so not a problem. i took a look at eve gravel's new stuff for the season. it's not bad, i'd wear it. my only problem is all her models are too skinny for the clothes. we had a bunch of her stuff in during the summer and they look way better on girls with curves.

(can i have this chicks hair? i'm really liking the long and wavy)

the skirt i got:

(fits better on me as a high waisted skirt. reverse side is all black)

p.s: i also ot a sugar container that's shaped as an elephant (it was missing a lid...i'll find a new use for it for sure)

(image via apologies)

ugh. i wish i could just say so many things to so many people without it being rude. maybe i'll just write everyone a letter, attach it to a balloon and hope it reaches them. mostly i would just tell people to talk to me, or to not talk to me i think. or just maybe ask them not to tell me things about their lives that i could care less about. its funny the things that come out of peoples mouths when there's silence to fill.

there's also nice things i would like to say to people. sad things. or just silly things. but i wont. i'm too shy right now.

one of my best friends who i see only every 6 months or so sent me a text the other day telling me he would be thinking great happy things about me for the next ten minutes. he's kind of lovely like that.

my friends are pretty cool people. i like them all, new and old. i hope you know who you are.

p.s: i made a promise to someone a few months ago, and i'm really proud for keeping it.

p.p.s: this was a cheesy post wasn't it? oh well.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

ew ew ew

k. so i understand if you say you don't want to shave because we should have every right as a woman as men do and not have to put that sort of effort into our looks. or maybe you just don't like to shave and would rather be au natural...but i don't think chicks with pitt hair will ever stop weirding me out.
(this came up caz i was fb creepin and totally stumbled onto a page of some chick who does not shave her pits. p.s, she's a flaming red head.)

just gross. sorry, but gross.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

summer heights high

i'm not sure what i've come across, but i like it! i think is an australlian tv show called summer heights high.

just a few clips:

Monday, January 12, 2009

i saw

on sunday...

so. good.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


this was my new years. it was pretty great. this video by tim is even greater though.

this one goes out to..

..the blog apologies. it's pretty lovely. mostly about love. i love love, so i guess that worked out nicely. any who, here are some things from apologies that i found lovely.

"I wish my words were enough but they aren’t. I wish my smile was enough but it’s not. I wish the things I did were enough but they never were. And I wish on every star and every flame just before it’s gone. Every penny down a well and every time it’s 11:11. And I wish for the same thing. Every. Single. Time."

"You don’t need me and I think that’s what’s really breaking my heart."

Dntel ft Jenny Lewis - Roll On

thx for making my heart swell on a(n almost) daily basis.

Monday, January 5, 2009

where the wild things are

i'm so excited for this movie

(photos from imdb)

and for season two of flight of the conchords

p.s: first day of school tomorrow!!
courses: popular film, european horror film, canadian film, death and evil in art history