Sunday, December 21, 2008


i think it's funny and a little bit sad, how when i'm doing shit all in my room, aka reading or on the interwebs, if i hear what i think is the garage door opening, i quickly panic. for fear that i forgot to do a chore i was asked to complete. lol my heart skips a beat on a regular basis.

it's because i forget to listen sometimes.

yesterday was all kinds of ridiculous. my brain was in a whole other universe. i think i started dozens of sentences that were left unfinished about thoughts i didn't realise i was talking about out loud lol. again, i think part of my problem was forgetting to listen when people were telling me what to do. after work my bosslady took us all out for drinks and eats at carlos and murphey's i had a lot of fun. i'd spaced out while drinking my ice tea and was singing "i neeeed someone to looove, can it beeee anyboddddyyyy???" apparently realy loud and then i caught kesley's eye just starring at me. and i went bright red and laughed until tears came. lol it was stupid. everyone got really buzzed and my bosslady broke a wine glass. i think i knew our waitress but i'm not sure. i really like my work girls.

i work all week, except christmas. not looking forward to working christmas eve or new years eve. ugh. dunno what we're doing yet for n.y.e, but i think it will be fun.

i can't find my super nintendo games, or my xbox games anywhere. i'm craving a game of tony hawk or super mario world. i just remembered i have the chronicles of narnia game too lol. sweet.

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