Thursday, February 19, 2009

words are meant for reading

(via upon the mountain top)

"Just because everyone really does live a life full of farewells doesn’t mean you shouldn’t at least realize what it really means to say goodbye to something that meant everything. Just because you will survive and get over it doesn’t mean you should let it go."
via apologies

i was thinking about it today, and i really don't regret getting close to anyone even if it ended badly. some guys have treated me wonderfully, others haven't, but ether way, i don't regret any of them. no one is a waste of time, everyone is an experience.

my friend was telling me yesterday that a guy he went to high school with got married this summer in italy. it was a naked wedding. wouldn't be my first choice, but i think it would have definitely been something to go to, once in a life time thing (unless you have lots of exhibitionist friends getting wed). i can't wait til i'm done uni, then i need to just go get lost for a while. i still want to do a swap to scotland or ireland.

it's odd how songs can make me feel a certain way really quickly. right now crosses by jose gonzales is playing on my ipod. i have it linked to a really random memory that's not work safe so i wont explain. i don't even really know why it's linked to that memory. anyway that story wasn't even my point, my point is i really really enjoy music sometimes. this morning on the bus i was choking back tears, because of thoughts and the songs, but on the way home, i was in such a good dance mood and the music suited that as well. i wiped out on the ice, i'm sure to have a killer bruise soon. i really like dancing when no one cares what you look like. at transformers last year that was probably the best dance experience i had, no one cares at all what anyone else is doing, every ones involved in their own world and everyone just kind of moves. it's cool, i may go this year but my friend who i go with can't come, so we'll see.

hey remember my goals for my reading week? start a painting and finish a book? ya haven't started either.

i thought i had a doc appointment at 10:45 at my uni this morning, but i called to cancel (because i was too tired o get up) and they told me my appointment is for next month. ugh. so, i'm glad i didn't bus an hour to get to an appointment i didn't have! i did have to go to the dentist though which i hated every minute of. the lobby smells like vinegar...why? i have nooooo idea.

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