Wednesday, February 25, 2009

workin hard for that money

so, the thing is. i need money. a lot of money. well, maybe not a lot, but as of now i don't have enough. enough for what you ask? life, basically. school mostly. and i want to move out and get a car and travel. travelling will probably come first though after school is over. one more year to go.

i always told myself i wouldn't work with food. but gosh darn, i think that's my next step. i'm gonna apply at some restaurants soon. it'll hopefully make me more mula then what i make now (although i'll keep my job i have now for once a week kind of thing because i love the job/people). plus if i get a job at one of the restaurants by the mall, it will be a heck of a lot closer. aka not 1 hour bus rides to work.
we'll see how it goes.

i hated the hours in rogers and how boring it was. but i did like the fact i pretty much got paid to hang out with my friends, do crafts and watch movies. i miss the regulars. there was the really muscular guy, the group of guys craig and i always got who rented futurama and such (who we're friends with in non-work life now), there was the guy and his gf who rented shark vs. eagle upon my suggestion and didn't like it (i felt bad), bye mitch, and my fav regular: curly haired mop top boy who i thought was 18 but turns out he's 23. everyone i worked with knew i thought this boy was dreamy (mostly because of his hair), and shawn made a point of finding out how old he is because we all debated it, and he texted me right after he found out lol. craig ran into him a month or more ago and asked him how old he was too. he probably thinks all of us roger's kids are quacks. lol just major creepers. sweet.


Notme2000 said...

Your kids would have long blond curly hair, and Chapters would always think they were kids when they called, even when they grew up to be 19.

lou said...

so true, so true