Tuesday, December 9, 2008

oh janice

cool, so major blonde moment today. i woke up at 6 caz my dad said he could give me a ride to my bus stop at 7 so i wouldn't have to take two buses to school for my exam today. i get there at 8, and am surprised to see no one else around the room. oh well. so i just close my eyes and nap for a little bit, wake up 20 min later. stil no one. wait til 8:40 and think shit, k where is everyone. i call my dad to get him to check the online exam schedule....my exam is at 9am on thursday the 11th. not today, the 9th. LAME. lol i'm such a dweeb. worst part is, i totally checked the schedule this morning to make sure i went to the right room...and the date and time is right next to the location on the schedule, so i totally scanned right over it and never noticed.

so with all hope lost, and already out and ready for the day. i decide to just go to the mall and finish my xmas shopping. to bad the mall doesn't open at 9. ugh. so i waited around and talked to my friend andrew. i also ran into amy, so it turned out to be ok.

except in the bus shack waiting for my bus home there were about 8 little kids and they were all starring at me. really freaked me out, i hate when people stare, makes me feel so uncomfortable! normally if kids stare at me, i just stare back, but i was outnumbered! gash!

good news of the day:
-xmas shopping done
-jenna is hilarious because of her response: "dale, stop being such a woman." (lol sorry dale, but it was such a jenna comment i had to laugh!)
-my winter coat keeps me warm (so far)
-i found a clutch i like
-a whap daba lou bop a whap bam boo

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