Friday, January 16, 2009

(image via apologies)

ugh. i wish i could just say so many things to so many people without it being rude. maybe i'll just write everyone a letter, attach it to a balloon and hope it reaches them. mostly i would just tell people to talk to me, or to not talk to me i think. or just maybe ask them not to tell me things about their lives that i could care less about. its funny the things that come out of peoples mouths when there's silence to fill.

there's also nice things i would like to say to people. sad things. or just silly things. but i wont. i'm too shy right now.

one of my best friends who i see only every 6 months or so sent me a text the other day telling me he would be thinking great happy things about me for the next ten minutes. he's kind of lovely like that.

my friends are pretty cool people. i like them all, new and old. i hope you know who you are.

p.s: i made a promise to someone a few months ago, and i'm really proud for keeping it.

p.p.s: this was a cheesy post wasn't it? oh well.

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