Monday, August 1, 2011

tips for girls

1. if you're going to a house/apartment/etc. and all the people who live there are boys, bring some tp/kleenex in your purse. it's almost a guarantee they wont have toilet paper and nobody likes to drip dry. (tmi? too bad.)

2. try to learn to take things at face value. especially when it comes to boys. you can't read their minds, so stop trying to over analyze and fill your head with "what ifs.." just wake up and see what happens. (it's hard i know)

3. "do you wanna come over and watch a movie," "do you wnat to come in and have a cup of coffee," etc. are all still codes for "do you wanna come in and make out." beware.

4. if you don't want someone calling you/you're not going to pick up when they call, DON'T give them your number. easy. just say no. or lie and say you have a boyfriend, that usually works.

5. sometimes guys aren't playing games, they just really are that oblivious.
ex) you text a guy, he takes an hour to text back. you think "he waited an HOUR to text me back?! well, to make sure he knows i'm not desperate, i'm going to wait an HOUR AND A HALF to text HIM back! he can't play games with me!" uhhhh. he's probably just busy. you're the one playing games girl.

(i'm going through my archives of posts and found a bunch of "saved as drafts" that i haven't posted. this was on of them.)

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