a little trip down memory lane, with my all time favorite 90's toys! (sorry about the size of some of the pictures, it's all i could find)
baby all gone!
the original polly pockets
the littlest petshop (i had soooooo many of these, i remember one i had was a dog with a bandage on, and if you put the bandage under cold water the bandage would turn red and you had to make it better by making it warm an dhe red would go away)
puppy surprise
crazy bones
fairy winkles (i had these ones and they came in a flower house!)
little kiddles (little dolls you could play with then put in a necklace)
skip it
kitty kitty kittens (they would prrrrrr when you moved them around)
aw, so fun. toys like these made it awesome to be a kid in the 90's. what other toys do you remember? i still have all my pogs haha
toys from the 90's: http://www.inthe90s.com/toys/
toys from the 80's: http://www.inthe80s.com/toys/
I named my baby all-gone "Veese" pronounces "Veez"
i do NOT know why i thought it was a beautiful name
hahaha that's awesome. i don't think i was too creative, i probably called mine baby all gone...
I never learned how those things worked. Also, I never owned one. Who told you that I did?
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