Monday, August 11, 2008

the pervs are getting younger

while i was away, i left my phone plugged in so it wouldn't die. that way if anyone called it would show up on my call log and i could call them back. my dad unplugged my phone and it died. so today, upon my arrival home from europe, i get the following untracable voicemail messgae:

"ok i was wondering if lauren was there caz she's supposed to suck my dick or something and give me a long blow job for 50 bucks. call me"

by the way, it's like a 5 yrs old on the message.
(and you can tell it's not someone talking in a kid voice, it's actually a little kid...)

i think this wins for most random phone call ever. definitely from someone i know, just have no idea who. although i'm assuming its from a guy friend?

1 comment:

Craig A. Bailey said...

You know what, that might have been my son. He's a bit of a creep that way.