Friday, October 17, 2008

ten conversations

i'm really excited about my tattoo, i've actually been having dreams and not being able to sleep because i'm thinking about it. last night i dreamt i went into the shop and the guy showed me what he drew up and it was the bird i wanted but he had drawn about a million cheery blossoms behind it after i'd told him i didn't want any sort of background, so he said he'd go redraw it. so i sat around waiting for him and it took hours then we had to reschedule caz it was taking him so long and the shop closed. also half way through my dream he turned into a woman lol. i'm a really impatient person when i'm excited, so this next week is going to be a drag. i've been being kind of a slug myself lately, i've been going out and drinking a ton which is not like me, i think as a distraction, so it's nice having something else to focus on right now and be excited about :)

(side note: my dog is being really cute right now and is cuddled up and resting her head on my pillow (which will need washing asap now caz she drools since her tongue hangs out all the time, but still, she's adorable))

tomorrow i'm going to a social with friends which can either be really lame or really fun, we shall see!

i did that photo shoot thing today and it went pretty well. we had to pretend we're going on a road trip lol. we had shots in the car and hanging out around the car. super cheesy, but whatever i'm not gonna lie, i did it for the money! this one was a lot more professional feeling caz they had a real make up artist and it was a lot more organized than the driver's ed one i did. they had me sitting on the hood of the car at one point though which was already slanted on a slanted driveway and i was hardcore slipping off the entire time so i probably look super awkward, plus i had to tilt my head and be like "heeeey!". pics will be out in January i think, i don't even really know where they'll be, i think in the paper and in the autopac type places. that's the one thing i don't like about doing this, people will see it! last time i had randoms while i was working come up to me saying "hey you're on a poster at my school!" and "i saw you on a poster when i was getting my licence renewed". of course i blush like mad. oh well.

after the shoot my mum and i went to the mall to winter jacket hunt. i usually hate shopping with other ppl caz i'm not a slow shopper, so i ended up buying the first jacket i saw in the first store we went into lol, i like it though, it's cute and will keep me warm when i have to walk to the bus stop!

what are some tunes i should give a listen? i'm bored of the tunes on my pod.

i think that's my word of the day lately, bored. i think i just want distractions and i think i think i'm boring.

halloween is soon and i've actually decided what i'm being this time, like for real. i've already got 90% of the costume. i'm going to be a doll. not super original, but i don't care. i get to wear a skirt, knee high socks and fake eyelashes, so i'm happy. pictures will be posted after halloween.

plus i think i also decided what i'm doing for my bday. sushi dinner in oz then head to hifi, because even though i'm not a big fan, birthdays at the bar are a must. maybe even some karaoke.

also, i've discovered i sometimes speak in code, thinking people will know what i mean. i don't think they ever pick up on it, they just think i'm being weird or corny. you know that game concentration where someone says a word and you say the first thing that comes to mind and someone will say something ridiculous that wont make sense until you find out their train of thought? i kind of do that i think. i'll use a code word for something else thinking that the other person will get what i mean because they'd know my train of thought. it's like i made up an inside joke between me and another person, but they're not in on the joke so they don't get it. example: someone says superman and i say apple, because in my mind it goes superman-red underwear-red-apple, but i leave all the middle stuff i'm confusing myself and all of you, i'm not even sure why i'm sharing this. i think i'm just (here comes that word again) bored.


1 comment:

Notme2000 said...

Ahem. Looking for new music huh? Have you been READING MY BLOG!?