Sunday, March 29, 2009

why didn't i think of this earlier...

halloween '09, i'm going as tank girl! no clue why i never thought to before, i think it would be such an easy costume to get together too. i'd obviously pick one of her other outfits to base the costume on, and not the one in the picture above....
i'm not sure if many people would figure out who i was, but if they do, bonus points and a hug for them.

in other news:
i saw vanessa's new apartment today and i'm officially jealous. it's huge and awesome. i can't wait til i can afford to move out. a bunch of my sisters friends work in offices that need tons of secretaries so i might be able to get a secretary job for the summer. we'll see.

back to writing essays for me. muah muah arf.

oh p.s: so at ness's place, vanessa's friend whitney and i were making chocolate fondue. whitney is 100% deaf and communicates by reading lips. i was busy stirring the fondue pot while whitney looked for matches or a lighter. she couldn't find anything. meanwhile vanessa and her friend chaz had gone for a walk to pick up or dinner. and this happened:

whitney: i can't find anything, do you know where it is?
me: hmm nope, can you call chaz and ask ness where it is?
whitney:...uh...ya, but have to call, i can't use the phone
me: oh, ya right. duh!

uggggh. wicked lol. she's used to it though. everyone always forgets when we're at the bar that we cant lean in and whisper something in her ear, you have to talk to her face so she can see your lips. since she reads lips though, it's like having a super power, she can look at anyone at any distance and can tell you what they're saying. neat!

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