Thursday, April 16, 2009


today was a good day.

after not really sleeping in, i drove downtown to meet up with my mom for lunch. she paraded me around her office a bit, which always makes me ridiculously shy. we went to a sandwich place and it was nice. we departed and i went to the downtown library. on my way i passed a good looking guy playing a surbahar (i had to google this). as i wandered into the library i noticed a sign saying "today at 12:10!" looking closer, i read the sign and it said debora digivani was doing a free show in the library! there's a wpg comedy festival going on and i'd wanted to go but it was too much money and the only person i wanted to see was her. i lucked out and ran into her for free. :)

i picked up three books, brave new world by aldous huxley, one pill makes you smaller by lisa dierbeck, and the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde. then last night erik lent me distant star by roberto bolano. i'll read erik's first or after the picture of dorian gray, i don't like keeping people's things for too long. i'm really excited to be able to read books that are not associated with school. it's actually almost embarrassing how excited i am.
i also applied for jobs at two places closer to home. one said he'd call me in a month for the next group interview, and the other called me two hours later and i have an interview on tuesday. i don't want to leave my work right now, i love the people and the area and everything, i just need a job that pays me more than minimum wage. wish me luck. i hope i'm making a good choice.

i'm still hunting for crumpets. people told me i could find them in safeway. they are liars. i think they're thinking english muffins. not the same. one girl told me superstore. so that's my next search location.

last exam tomorrow. excited. YEAR TWO WILL BE COMPLETED. heck yes.

i think this summer will be wonderful. i have good feelings.

i love when mirrors do this. infinity reflections. please excuse my essence of creepiness. p.s: that's my mom hiding in the corner.

debora doing her thing. the girl in the bottom left corner is proof that she was good.

huge art exhibit thing on the wall of the library. each painting is just smaller than a postcard. i really, really liked this.

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