Thursday, April 23, 2009


two good chill days in a row.

yesterday i biked to the mall to do some errands, pick up some mags, etc. came home and crash napped for two hours. woke up and realised i needed to hop on a bus asap and head down to osborne to meet up with the work girls for dinner. got to os really early (surprise surprise, i'm always early). ran into pat who i hadn't seen since new years. he was just jammin on the street with some people. this drunk guy came by and told me three times about how he got mugged and he kept getting really close to me and was icky so i bolted to go meet up with my friends. then we went to carlos and murphy's and had a really good time. then back to the store for cake and more drinks. i don't drink very much at all, so i was a little tipsy by the end of the work fun. ran into pat again while i waited for my ride and sat with him for a while. even though it was early i couldn't head out anywhere after i got home because i couldn't drive, so i did the next best (or worst) thing and went for a bike ride. for whatever reason i was so scared the whole time. i was talking to craig via text then later phone, and i was completely out of it, i don't even know why. it was a really nice day though. just lazy and accomplished feeling all at the same time.

today i bused down to os again to drop off my 2 weeks at frockstar. i got choked up handing it in caz i didn't want to quit at all, but i needed a new job that paid more and could dish out more hours, and the new job doesn't want me workin at fstar too because it's technically competition (both clothing stores). i'll still see all the girls though when we hang out, but it still makes me sad to quit. then i just chilled in starbucks for two hours reading and drawing. then my dad picked me up and we went out for sushi :)
this is what i drew:

the image is originally by miniature mini mouse, i just felt like drawing it.

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