Friday, April 24, 2009

i've said it before that i write in code sometimes. in the sense that i say something that sounds very random, but it really isn't. i'm just seeing if anyone picks up on it i guess. it's like..the only way someone would pick up on the code (for lack of a better term), would be if they listened very closely to me in person, and then used what they heard me say to pick up the hidden meaning in my writing. i know that is really...odd, and makes no sense. i'm so confusing. my brain works in mysterious ways. i'm so so curious if people pick up on it. i don't think they do. most people just think i'm being odd when i say certain things. i'm alright with that. i can wait.

hmm, funny. i just looked down at a paper beside my desk where i'd written "come find me" and "stop waiting". they seem kind of contradictory.

in other news. i quit my job, and start my new one on tuesday. my last day of now old job is may 10th. it was so sad to quit, i almost started crying when i handed in my notice, like i actually choked up for a sec.

i'm going to go to folk fest this year. i still need to buy tickets though. i'm just waiting to make sure i can get the days off from new job now. if the weather is lovely, it will be a guaranteed amazing time.

hey here's a song i just heard a few minutes ago. shhh by denora. like it or not, it's up to you.

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