Thursday, May 28, 2009

so i never updated on the books i was reading

the picture of dorian gray - 6/10
they kept talking about scandals and stuff, but you never actually found out what they were. it was a cool idea, and i probably would have liked it more if i had been in the mood for it.

brave new world - 7/10
wasn't what i thought it was going to be. it was interesting. for distopian future stories, i liked 1984 and oryx and crake better.

today i picked up jonathan strange and mr. norrell by susanna clarke, because i remembered my grade 12 english teacher had a copy and i always thought the cover looked interesting. plus i have a thing for thick books, this one's just over 1000 pages.
oh i also picked up a short story by neil gaimen, i forget what it's called.

when i was younger and took out books from the library, i always would pick out the three thickest books i could find with dragons on the cover haha. i remember finding this one really cool series about dragons, i forget what it was though. lol i'm such a dork.


Notme2000 said...

Fave book is also one of the thickest ever written, Atlas Shrugged. I stole (heh, sorry) Craig's copy of Oryx and Crake but haven't read it yet, worth it?

lou said...

it's my favorite book, so ya.
speaking of stealing, you also owe me like 10 blank dvds