Tuesday, June 2, 2009


i'm a klutz and bruise like a peach (or maybe for this post i should say i bruise like a banana ha har). not the best combination. so of course i have mad bruisage all over. the other day i searched the internet for a cure or quicker heeling process for bruises. they had a bunch of strange tips. in my head the one that sounded most valid was taping a ripe banana peel to the bruise overnight. why this sounded valid to me, i'm not sure....i guess because bananas are healthy and have vitamins? either way, i just had a nap after eating a banana and thought, what the hell, let's give it a try!

i think it actually may have helped! i may give it a overnight trial tonight...i'll let you know how it goes.

other uses for banana's as provided to me by the internet:
-Make a face mask
-Eat a frozen "banana-sicle"
-Tenderize a roast
-Polish silverware and leather shoes
-Brighten up houseplants
-Deter aphids
-Use as fertilizer or mulch
-Add to compost pile
-Attract butterflies and birds
-Cures warts
-Heals acne
-Ointment(it said rubbing on a scraped knee can help promote healing, so bruises aren't that far off right?)

oh, another strange thing i've done recently...i ate a cricket. they were selling dried crickets in salt/vinegar, sour cream and bacon/cheese at sugar mountian. i was curious. we bought the bacon/cheese. basically it tatsed like crunchy nothing. although i did get the cricket legs stuck in my mouth. that was unpleasent.

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