Monday, September 14, 2009


3rd year of university here i come!

technicaly i started thursday, but on thursday i only really went to one class and such. this week is the first full week of school. i have two of my art history courses today/tonight and i'm really curious about the prof's because i've only ever had 2 different profs, but mostly one. i've heard great things about one of my new profs and bad things about the other. i guess i'l just have to wait and see. i think i know a few people in these courses so that should be nice. either way, wish me luck! i love learning and i love school. (give me about a month for this to wear off when the papers start being due. i'll have three 10+ page research papers due around christmas soooo ya i'll be stressin i'm sure, but for now, i love school.)

p.s: i dyed my hair. you can't see too much of a different in that picture caz it's up, but i got a bunch of dark in it, so i'm no longer a mega bleach blonde. i'm cool with it. also, i didn't cave, i didn't cut my bangs. i'm STILL saying i'm growing them out. i also didn't cut my hair. if i cut it next time i dye it, i wont have cut my hair in a year. coooool.)

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