Thursday, September 17, 2009

to live would be an awfully big adventure

i just remembered part of my dream from last night. bird kept flying into my window.

know what's a ten year old, i probably seem like a grown up. i bet they assume i have a boyfriend, my own apartment and a steady job. i bet they think i have everything figured out. i wonder when i'll feel old, when i'll stop feeling like i'm waiting for the important things to happen.
i bet i'll wake up one day, 50 yrs old, and wonder what happened to my youth.
this year, i'm going to really try. i'm opening myself up for opportunities and adventures. i'm going to increase the use of "yes" in my vocabulary.

right this moment i feel very positive. i have good feelings about things.

1 comment:

Notme2000 said...

Moving is a big adventure :)