Saturday, October 24, 2009

this is what i'm listening to right now. i wish i'd gone to see tv on the radio when they were here a few months ago, but for whatever reason at the time i couldn't.

speaking of no time and not being able to do fun things...i have 3 midterms this week and pretty much only the day before each of them to actually get any studying done. i'm freaking out just a tad. awesome. i was going over my review for my modern-contemporary art history course. holy crap. my prof is awful. half the slides i'm looking up she's never shown to us or talked about. also, the majority of the images she that she wants us to identify the artist/title/date for, she has spelt wrong on the review and has the wrong titles for. also, she references "wikipedia" and "google" along with text books that weren't on our booklist and have never looked at. fuck. oh also, the exam is worth 40%.
the class would be interesting if she wasn't teaching it. i'm so frustrated with it. i'd drop it if i didn't need it as a prerequisite for a course i need for my major. note to my prof: geoffrey and godfrey....not the same name.

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