Wednesday, June 2, 2010

nine. it's less than ten.

if you're in/have ever been in university, you've probably had the nightmare where you realise you have an exam for a course you've completely forgot you're in and have never been so a single class. being in my summer online course feels exactly like this. only it's not a dream. it feels really odd to NEVER go to a physical class. all i do is read my text books and look things up online. i haven't had my first quiz yet, which is also online. we'll see how that goes. i'd really like to do well in this.

i haven't collected too many pictures lately. this is all i have. enjoy. i've been too much text lately, not enough pictures.

also, random side note: i'm trying to eat healthy and bike a lot lately. i had a dream the other night where someone offered me a poptart and i went to go get one but then i'm like "oh wait, no, i can't, i'm trying to eat healthy." way to go dream me!
for june: no chocolate and no starbucks. because i spend too much money on these. if i really wanted to save a bundle i'd also say no bagels....but then i'd probably starve.

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