Sunday, June 20, 2010

over 500

just wanted to say HEY.

also, here are two shots from my friends art project she's doing. she made the dress out of flowers and shot a bunch of her friends in it.

yesterday was a really great summer day.
in the morning i went t the farmer's market with my friends richard and natalie. the farmer's market is just outside the perimeter and as an open market for farmers to come and sell their free range/organic produce and sell crafts and things. natalie got quite a bit of stuff. she bought some free range eggs that were absolutely gigantic. probably twice the size of the eggs you buy in the store. then i went and met up with claire for a bit and we stumble upon a blanket in a front yard with "free" marked in front of it and got ourselves a bunch of really sweet clothes and jewelry and things. i got a pair of portable speakers that i can plug into my ipod or laptop to amp up the volume which is pretty sweet since i was planning on buying some really soon. after that we went back to her place and baked a cake, tried on our clothes and sat on her roof in the sun. she had read somewhere on a food blog that you can but a can of pop in your cake to give it extra oomph and flavor so she put in a can of rootbeer into her pecan butterscotch cake. i didn't stick around long enough to give it a taste, but the batter tasted actually pretty good and she said she'd tried it before with good results...even so, i think i'll just stick to my pop-free cakes. after that, i went back to natalie's and we tie dyed a bunch of clothing. i'd never done it before and we both didn't really know what we were doing, but they turned out really well! i'll take a picture of mine at some point. THEN i went to alicia's place and we did a photo shoot for her art project "wearable art" where she made a dress covered in fake flowers.
i ended up passing out last night at about 10 and slept until 9:30 this morning. i guess i needed sleep!

today is father's day so we're heading out to a park, possibly a zoo, then DQ and then back home for a BBQ. i'm also making a cake for my dad. i bought this decoration gel and am going to attempt to write "happy father's day" on the cake....we'll see how that turns out. if it looks really messy i'll just turnthe mess into a bunch of squiggles.

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