Thursday, April 7, 2011

my friend just got back yesterday from india and passed on to me a few little trinkets. one was a little white fish. i'm not quite sure if it's meant as a bead or a button, but either way i turned it into an earring.

they're kind of strange mismatched earrings, but i think i like them. they're made with beads, wire, buttons and feathers.

one positive thing about being unemployed is that i've had time to catch up on some crafting. i've been working on making over some stools that i had gotten for free from the store when it closed. so far i've just been priming them. they're mighty thirsty stools; they've been soaking up so much paint. i'm only going to do one more coat then move on to the next step. before/after pictures when i'm done.

now off i go to drink wine in a park. spring is coming, i can feel it!

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