Wednesday, June 4, 2008

And we were dressed from head to toe in love...the only label that never goes out of style


i just went and saw sex in the city with my mom and sister and it was awesome. i'm normally not one for chick flicks, but this one was pretty much perfect. if you like the show you'll love the movie. it makes me love love even more. i'm really awful when it comes to crying in movies if i'm by myself, i can usually hold it in when i'm with others, but gee whiz i was a mess in this movie. i was tearing up every five minutes because either something really good, bad, or funny had happened. if i'd been at home watching this i would have been a bawling wreck! loved it!

tomorrow i'm off to see the strangers with kelsey, i'm hoping for some scares, wish me luck!


Craig A. Bailey said...

Going to hope that it scares the love out of you? That seems a little couter-productive! :P

lou said...

movie review for the strangers summed up in two words: "it sucked."

so the love is still in me :)