...think we're really funny
last night was my parents 25th wedding anniversary. kind of nuts. my mom got married when she was a few months older than i am right now. i can't see myself ready for that at all at 19, but times were different in those days and people did get married in their teens rather than their late 20's/30's that people do now. it's been interesting watching their relationship. they told us a bunch of stories from over the past 25yrs that they remember having together and some were actually pretty funny:
-my dad's best friend al (who is now my god-father) actually got to my mom first and they dated for 2-3 weeks. neither my mom or al were really feeling it though and they were going to break up. at a social my mom, my dad and al were at, my dad got al to break up with my mom so he could swoop in because he really liked her lol
-my dad even remembers what she was wearing the first night they met (which is amazing because my dad won't even remember a conversation we had in the morning by night), so that was really cute
-my parents birthdays are about a week apart and when they were 21 and 24, they had each planned a surprise party for the other (and invited the exact same people) on two consecutive nights with out either of them finding out :)
it's nice to know that even after all these years and many rough patches, they still love each other.
where are those?
outside the fairmont hotel downtown
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