Friday, September 5, 2008

day one!

my first day back at school was ok, nothing to really complain about.
my first class was film and contemporary thought. i wasn't too sure what the class would actually be focusing on, i just liked the prof lol. turns out we're watching films that focus on fears and anxieties of different eras. it actually sounds like it will be a really neat course!

then i had an hour to chill, and i met up with craig who also had an hour to kill.
next up was my art history class, medieval and early renaissance art and architecture. sounds like it will be pretty basic, pretty much what we did last year but obviously focusing more on medieval/renaissance stuff. i just took the course caz i needed it to take death and evils in art next term. i knew some people in the class so that was cool. the only thing is, instead of a big auditorium like last term, we have it in a tiny class with a big screen so you can't often read whats written at the bottom of the screen which is usually the important stuff. looks like i'll be kicking it in the front row this term.

after that class, i had five minutes to run half way across campus for my kubrick and a touch of spielberg class. i got there early (don't ask me how) and took a seat in the class. after about ten minutes i realised i was in the wrong classroom! (for film classes that are twice a week, one day we watch movies in an auditorium and the next day we have lectures in a different classroom...i was in the auditorium on my classroom day, arg). but i didn't know what the classroom was that i was supposed to be in so i had to call up my dad and have him check up on the good 'ol interweb. so, once i found my class, i then had to book it into a classroom of 3rd years (it's a 3rd year course, but somehow i'm allowed to take it) and scurry to a seat in the back. there's two spielberg films we'll be watching, and the rest are kurbick. not really sure why i took the class, because i don't really like either director, but it was something to take and a credit to earn i guess.

at 4:30, my day classes were finished and i had 2.5 hours until my night class started. so i went up to a food place on campus, bought a chicken wrap and fries and read for two hours. i've started on flowers for algernon, i'm going to need to finish it this weekend because i should buy and dig in on my texts now.

my last class 7-10pm, was my film making class. i knew two people in the class which was cool. the prof seems alright, but the course looks like it will be intense. i'm not sure if i'll be able to hack it with a full course load this term, but we'll see. our first project has already been thrown at us, it's a 30sec music video. we got shipped off into groups, given a clip, and away we go i guess. it's due on the 26th, which sounds way too soon and i really didn't want to have to worry abut homework until after the 1st of october. my group got bollywood sounding music and the two fellas i'm paired with want to do a reservoir dog-esque thing with it, which is fine by me. they seem really into the course which is nice because usually in group work where the marks really count, i get worried everyone wont pull their weight. i think it will be a cool course, and i'll finally get some real hands on experience. hopefully i'll like it.

it feels really weird being back at university after four months.

p.s: i had a weird dream last night where i was bike riding around an area with my friend laura, and we came to this house where she knew some people and we were all hanging out on the driveway. i was just sitting playing with something, i don't remember what, when one of the guys told me i had really fat arms. then everyone else got into a circle around me and started picking on me calling me fat and stuff and i kept telling them "i'm not fat, leave me alone" but they wouldn't and laura wouldn't leave with me because she wanted to stay and hang out with the guys that were there.

i think i had this dream because i was reading flowers for algernon before bed and he was describing a bunch of times people beat him up and made fun of him, but at the time he didn't realise they were being mean to him. it was really sad.

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