Friday, September 5, 2008

i had gone on a music hiatus for the last few weeks for some reason. well sort of, i was listening to music, but it pretty much just the same two or three artists over and over again and the music wasn't doing much for me. i uploaded a bunch of new tunes to my pod before my first day of class, and have been just wanting to dance dance dance ever since. i'd forgotten about so many bands that i'd put on there! i always keep my pod on shuffle so i don't know what's on next. it's always a pleasant surprise. whenever a new song comes on that i really like, i get a little bit excited and think "I LOVE THIS SONG!", which is silly because of course i will like the song that come son next, I'M the one who put them there! i've been singing out loud a lot and sort of dancing too when i have my headphones on, which is kind of embarrassing, but i don't mind :) i don't have any reason to be in a good mood today, and i was in an awful one this morning, but right now i'm feeling great.

la la la, this is what i was listening/singing to as i biked home today. enjoy!

so i went to the mall because i was really bored at home and walked into a store where this guy who had added me on facebook a week or so ago happened to work (i didn't know this before i went into the store so was semi-surprised, but hey i didn't blush!). when he added me on fb i had no idea who he was but he recognized me from when i worked in the mall and told me the store he worked at so i accepted the friend request and that was that. and so anyway, i get into the store and he recognized me and whatever so we chatted for a few minutes and it was a little awkward, which is understandable lol. it's funny caz i see people in real life who i have never met, but who's blog i'd read or something and i always feel like the biggest creep, but this time we were both aware of the weirdness. it was like we knew each other but totally didn't. the internet makes life and socializing really awkward. or maybe it's just me, i haven't decided yet.

if i'm still at u of m next year (i'm gonna try to get into red river), i think i'm going to try out for a spot in the school newspaper (the manitobian). i'd try for the writer for arts & culture or the music section. don't worry, the way i blog is not at all the way i write. in real life i use proper grammar, punctuation, spelling and capital letters. believe it or not i was in advanced english and at the top of my class!

p.s: bike riding is the new scenster cool right now. but you're only cool if your bike is vintage/old school looking. i've been biking for years and being teased about it just as long. even now that biking is considered cool i don't have a "cool" bike. just you wait!
it was raining today and my bike seat got wet so i put a plastic bag over it while i rode home. now that's biker cool.

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