Thursday, October 23, 2008


i'm freakin out. i'm freakin out. i'm freakin out. i'm freakin out. i'm freakin out. i'm freakin out. i'm freakin out. i'm freakin out. i'm freakin out.

ah. my tattoo appointment is tomorrow and i haven't been nervous or scared or anything up til now. i was surprised at myself how calm i was. then on the bus home today some guy showed his friend his tattoo and said it was by the same guy i'm going to (i didn't see it, but apparently it was sweet) and i guess it just hit me. holy crap. i'm getting a tattoo. i'm really excited, but i also feel like i might puke.

lol it may just be how i'm feeling today in general. i've been a whirlwind! i'm super sick feelin still today so i'm doped up on meds, plus i had caffeine (which is not super common for me, we more in the summer) so that makes me jittery, and just super paranoid about the world right now. shite.

^funny for a day, not funny to have for the rest of your life aka family beach day?

1 comment:

Notme2000 said...

Lol, I remember before I got my first tattoo I was soooo nervous. I'd heard it was good to eat something sugary before hand (which is true) so I was eating a pop-tart but I was so nervous I could hardly swallow it, lol.