Wednesday, December 3, 2008


egads, i've been having the strangest dreams.

last night was my staff xmas party, it was alright, i think we were all pretty tired and not in so much of a party mood. we played cranium but got the rules messed up so some teams (including mine) only got like, two turns. it was stll fun though, people got...creative...during the game to say the least haha. i watched my boss act out "vibrate" very hilariously and a girl named erika who's the most sweet ungangster girl ever shout out "I'M RICK JAMES BITCH! IIIYAAAA!!!" over and over as "dave chappelle" lol. i ate way too much food, but it was fun, i think we're going for a karaoke night after xmas when we all have energy again.

i'm looking forward to this weekend. kels is on holidays this week so i've been able to catch up with her and on friday she's havin people over then saturday a bunch of us are heading to the wag for the best commercials of 2008. it's kind of silly if you think about it, that we're going to pay to sit in a theatre and watch advertisements. i think it will be fun though. i really should be studying for my art history exam this week/weekend caz its on monday, but i'm just so not into that, i'd rather be having fun thanks.

check out these pictures, i thought they were pretty fantastic. i found a website of them but lost the URL. basically, someone took kids drawings and decided to make them real:

oh p.s: if you like really REALLY lame jokes i have two "funny" ones for you (i personally think they're hilarious, but it seems no one else does...both involve dancing..) and if you like super offensive jokes, i have a really awful one that you'll go to hell for laughing at, but guaranteed you will laugh. ask me to tell them in real life and i will.

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