Wednesday, June 10, 2009

chocolate chip banana muffins from hell

making muffins has never been so infuriating!

-i preheat the oven. i see a small fire at the bottom of the oven because someone let something fall and burn and never cleaned it up (to be fair it was probably me lol)
-i clean the oven
-go get chocolate chips and bananas
-start mixing stuff. i don't have eggs.
-go out again and buy eggs
-while peeling the bananas i drop one in the garbage
-i continue mixing stuff while spilling flour EVERYWHERE
-i mean EVERYWHERE. i'm worse than a kindergartner
-time to put it in the muffin pans
-where the heck are the muffin pans
-call my sister and my folks to help solve the mystery of the missing pans(my mom was the last one to make muffins and she washed the pans after. she never washes dishes so she probably put them away somewhere ridiculous)
-they know nothing
-i look everywhere and can't find them anywhere. whoever took them didn't even bother to leave a ransom note.
-conclusion: the pans have entered a black hole and are never going to be seen again
-now i'm trying to bake chocolate chip banana bread
-i've never made banana bread or anything close to it before in my life

.....we'll see how this ends in about an hour...if i don't burn the house to the ground in frustration first.

on the plus side: i won tickets to see the movie away we go tonight, so i'm going to that with kelsey. i'll get myself a popcorn and nibble away my bad vibes. another good thing: i bought cherries caz they were on sale and they're delicious.

the banana bread turned out ok.

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