Monday, May 17, 2010

did you knoooooow...

i'm sick of dying my hair. i'm very very tempted to dye it one last time all my natural color and just go with it. only thing is i get bored fast. and i think i'm better looking blonde. and i want to try dying my hair red.
all in due time i guess.

(both by atemisia gentileschi; judith slaying holofernes, and susanna and the elders.)
for my summer course i'm taking women in art. it's actually pretty interesting so far reading up on the ladies of the renaissance right now. did you know during the renaissance a women wasn't allowed to wear underwear unless she was an actress, prostitute or a window washer? also, if you were raped, the only way to regain your purity and erase the crime was to marry your rapist. the middle ages were messed.

1 comment:

Notme2000 said...

Red would look cool on you!