Monday, May 17, 2010

hawk squawk

one thing about me is that i love dreams. i love hearing about people's dreams and telling people about my own. not everyone shares this i've realised. my family kind of teases me about it because apparently i talk about my dreams a lot. i tend to remember a lot about my dreams. i'll remember tiny details and it seems i remember the entire dream start to finish. since people don't always find dreams as interesting as i do, i've taken to keeping a log of dreams (when i feel like it/find them interesting). i haven't reread any of them yet, i started keeping track on January 14th 2010. i think i'm going to go back and read them all at the end of the year.

i only remember a teeny tidbit from my dream last night. i had a mohawk (much like the one above, except a bit longer, blonde, and slightly ok..maybe nothing like this. but look at jena malone she's pretty!), and i remember thinking i looked really cool. i think i was at a house party or something like that and there was a new boy who was at this party and we were both fairly punkish and he had a bunch of tattoos. i kept brushing my fingers through my hair.

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