Monday, May 10, 2010

rosey faced reader on a reading binge

since school finished i've been going nuts with books. here's what i remember reading since my last exam on april 20th:

-acid house - irvine welsh (i didn't really like it. it's a bunch of sort stories related mostly to drugs. by the same guy who wrote trainspotting. lots of the stories are written the way an accent sounds, which made a few of the stories pretty unreadable to me.)

- a wolf at the table - augusten burroughs (same guy who wrote running with scissors. focuses mostly on growing up with a psychopathic dad. true story.)

-dress your family in corduroy and denim - david sedaris (funny short stories about his life.)

-friends like these - danny wallace (true story about a guy who decides to track down 12 of his childhood friends and catch up. pretty funny, but not as good as his other books i've read: join me and the yes man)

-shop girl - steve martin (this book was so so bland and strangely written. the movie works a lot better than the book. it felt that the book was written more like a screenplay than a book. it was really short and lacked emotion. i would not read anything else written by steve martin because of this.)

-one flew over the cuckoo's nest - ken kesey (i'm just over half way through this right now. i really like it so far. i know i've seen the movie, but i don't remember much of it. it's really interesting the way it's written from the view of one of the mental patients. knowing jack nicholson played the role of McMurphy in the film makes it hard to visualise the physical description given of the character in the book. in the book he is a buff ginger. other than on casting.)

i'm pretty sure there's one or two books i'm missing in this but i can't for the life of me figure out what they are. my next two books lined up are dry by augusten burroughs (this will be my 6th out of his 7 books i've read. i find him really entertaining...obviously. last one of his to go is sellivision. i think dry is about him overcoming alcholism) and then i have america unchained by dave gorman (his tale of an american road trip. i've also read dave gorman's googlewhack adventure which was pretty great. laugh out loud funny at parts. a lot like danny wallace). i tried to start house of sand and fog, but i've been in a streak of reading funny books or bio's. i'm not much in the mood for a depressing book on racism. one day i'll get around to it, i've heard it's great.

i like books.

update: finished one flew over the cuckoo's nest earlier today. really good. i'd highly recommend it.

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