Monday, June 14, 2010

i'm sorry in advance..

i'm not sure how exactly or why this happened....but i'm now an avid follower of the stupid reality show the bachelorette. i know, i know, it's not the most stimulating of shows, but it sure is entertaining. there's this one really sweet guy on the show named kasey, and you can tell he means well and he really just wants to fall in love, but he is also kind of nuts. kasey and the bachellorette ali went on a one-on-one date tonight and he kept randomly singing her songs about what they were doing, not in a "i'm being goofy and sing-narrating what's happening" but in a "check out my awesome voice, i'm gonna sweep you off your feet la la la" kind of way. he kept saying really cheesy things as well that you might find cute and endearing if you were already in love with the person, but on a [practically] first date it's a little (aka A LOT) too much. she ended up telling him that he seems too over the top and not genuine and she just wanted to see the real him. he didn't get a rose on the date, but he didn't get sent home either, he got another chance before the big rose ceremony.
so. he decides that he needs to do something that shows her he's genuine, etc. and remember, she says he's too over the top right now and he needs to just chill out. what does he do you ask?
he gets a tattoo. yup. a tattoo. of a rose, a shield and a heart on his wrist, because he keeps telling her that he's there to guard her heart. WHAT?! eek. that's like a dude getting your name tattooed on his chest after your second date. way too intense. i'm sorry. whoa.

judge me all you want, but i'm hooked on the bachelorette. whyyyyyyy?!

p.s: he didn't get a chance to show her the tattoo this wekk, but i think he'll reveal it next week. and then i think she'll boot him off. my goodness. guys, do not take dating tips from this show.

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