Thursday, September 23, 2010

clap clap clap


at home. sick. eating lucky charms.

saw inglorious bastards yesterday, it was alright. very quentin tarantino.
started reading on the road by jack kerouac. about a chapter or two in so can't say too much about it yet.
also started reading fragile things by neil gaimen which is a collection of poems and short stories. so far all of the ones i've read have been pretty dark. i really like his style of writing.

i also picked up white oleander from the library. i've seen the movie several times, and books are almost always better than the film, so i thought i'd give it a read.

i'm on another reading binge.

i was home sick yesterday as well and watched 28 days later again. i had forgotten how good it is. it's actually incredibly well done.

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