Saturday, April 11, 2009

last night was weird.

-a bunch of us met and tim/brett/linda's place pre-party
-the girls were in one car following the boys in another when the realization came that all four of us gals had to use the washroom asap
-we pulled into a boston pizza trying to signal the guys to follow us, but it didn't work
-we got a hold of them and they told us where to meet them
-i some how took a wrong turn that led to a 15 minute detour, oops
-got to the party and into the hot tubs
-danced in the sand filled basement in our bathing suits under a red light (and by we i mean tim rebecca and i lol)
-kelsey started to feel ill
-linda and i took care of her for the majority of the time we were at the party then had to drive her home
-the 15 minute drive took an hour caz we had to keep pulling over
-we got hot chocolate at tims (horton not redford)
-after droppin of linda we head to kelseys apartment
-there are cops blocking her street
-i go ask the cops whats up, they say there'd been a fire
-where? kelsey's apartment block
-what floor? hers
-what suite? 1605, kels is 1604
-the cop said there was only fire damage to the suite and some water damage to the others
-i tell kels and she freaks caz her cats in the apartment
-we're allowed into the building and have to climb 16 flights of stairs (now i don't feel so guilty about not going to yoga yesterday)
-her apartment/cat are fine. hurray!
-we talk to the cops in the hallway and some guy (still not sure what he was there for...he said he's the guy who nails the windows close and changes the locks or something
-he was joking around with us and such telling us about his night and his friends
-he brought kelsey a fan and an air freshener, saying he'd be back on monday to get the fan with a bottle of champagne

i guess that's the end. that wasn't really a great story, but it was an odd night, it doesn't need to be told well.

i might post party pictures/videos once tim uploads them. we'll see. my shoes are filled with sand.

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